ARGENTINA / Buenos Aires

Arrival Saturday March 8, 2008


(above photo by Tom Gallagher)


San Marco Park






Cathedral                                                                         Gallaria  


(above photo by Tom Gallagher)

Puerto Madero


Dianne's Birthday Treat
(photo by Barb Seitzinger)




Sunday March 9, 2008

City Tour starts at tomb of Eva Peron in Recoleta









Plaza de Mayo

Plaza de Mayo / Casa Rosado



                                (above photo from Tom Gallagher)



La Boca



Tigre & The Delta

                                                                                                (old casino)


(river homes)

(school)                                                                                                           (park)



Monday March 10, 2008

Ferry ride to Uruguay
(below photo from Tom Gallagher)


Uruguay view Rio de la Plata

Colonia  (dates to 1680 Portuguese settlement)

( below photo from Tom Gallagher)



Tuesday March 11, 2008

Visit Ranch / Don Silvado



Bunk house converted to B&B                                                 Blacksmith area converted to museum display


Regional Folk Song and Dance Show




gaucho skill demonstration


short time riding



Wednesday March 12, 2008

Independent City Walk / Palermo

PLAZA ITALIA  with statue of GARIBALDI                                 MONUMENTO A LOS ESPAŅOLES


Japanese Garden



Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires
(MALBA / Modern Art)




FLOROLIS GENERCO (sculpture open by day and closes by night)      

(Classical Museuem photo from web source)


Esquina Carlos Gardel  (dinner / tango show)

                                         (photo below from Tom Gallagher)


                                                                                                      (photo below from Barb Seitzinger)




Thursday March 13, 2008                       Travel day Buenos Aires to Iguaza Falls

Friday March 14, 2008

Esturion Hotel / Puerto Iguazu
(photo below from Tom Gallagher)                                                                                                                                           (photo below from Barb Seitzinger)

truck transport through "bush" to river


River boat to falls (very wet)

                                                                        (photo below by Barb Seitzinger)

(photo below from Tom Gallagher)


Train to Devil's Throat

(photo from Tom Gallagher)




Saturday March 15, 2008



Native Guarani Village

                    (contrast of new style with traditional house;
                                   yes electricity; no plumbing)                                                          (government school for teaching tourism skills)


(traditional small animal trap)
                                                          (current village "spiritual house")



11 hour wait  headed home
(photo from Tom Gallagher)


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