July 31 - August 7, 2014

Arrival Thursday, July 31

Bucharest, Romania


(borrowed image from web page)


Countryside Tour of Wallachia and Transylvania on Friday Aug 1


Peles Castle (Summer Palace) near Sinaia





(borrowed image on left from web page)                                             (above photo from Dianne)




Black Church in Brasov



Bran Castle



(three borrowed images above from web page)


Short City Tour of Bucharest on Saturday August 2


Palace of the Parliament                                          National Museum of Romanian Art (image from web)



Embarkment afternoon of Saturday August 2



Tours of Veliko Tarnovo and Arbanassi-Svistov, Bulgaria on Sunday August 3

Veliko Tarnovo (Ancient Bulgarian Capital)


Tsarevets Hill with Royal Fortress and Patriarch's Church


(borrowed images above and below from web page)

Patriarch Church Interior. Tsaravets Hill Fortress. Veliko Tarnova, Bulgaria  Patriarch Church Interior. Tsaravets Hill Fortress. Veliko Tarnova, Bulgaria

(non-religious interior church images installed during communist times)


Arbanasi Architectural Preserve

Arbanasi Museum House                      

(borrowed image on left below from web page)   




Arbanasi Church of the Nativity


(simple exterior by Ottoman decree elaborate interior) (images from web source)


Tours of Belogradchik and Vidin, Bulgaria on Monday August 4

Belogradchik Rock Formations


Belogradchik Fortress


(above photos from Dianne)



Dianne and Pam at the top (above left photo from Dianne)



(above photo from Dianne)


Cruising through the Iron Gates and visit Lepenski Vir Exhibition Center, Serbia on Tuesday August 5

Kazan Gorge

(above photo from Dianne)


(two borrowed images above from web page)


Roman Plaque                                                                   Decebalis ( Dacia chief held off Romans and lost)


(above photo from Dianne)


Lepenski Vir  is an important Mesolithic archaeological site located in Serbia

(reconstructed and moved due to dam flooding for lock construction)



(four borrowed images above from web page)

18th century houses also moved due to flooding to create dam


Visiting Belgrade and Serbian Countryside on Wednesday August 6

Original Palace replaced with late 19th Century Palace now City Hall


Simple Home of Marshall Tito


Cathedral of Saint Sava (Exterior done / Interior under construction) (images from web)


Coffee break in central Belgrade

Military Museum at Fortress


(above photo left from Dianne)


(two images from web)


Sremski Karlovci

The town has traditionally been known as the seat of Serbian Orthodox Church in the Habsburg Monarchy

Premier Prezident Hotel for lunch                                              Oldest Secondary School in Serbia


Town Square with large Serbian Orthodox Church


 (four images above borrowed from web source)


Novi Sad

Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia



Arrival in Mohacs, Hungary exit to tour Pe'cs on Thursday August 7

In 2010 Pécs was selected to be the European Capital of Culture sharing the title together with Essen and Istanbul.

Pécs is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pécs and a prestigious University for medical education.

The Cathedral (11th century, renovated in the 19th century)           New travel friends Lou and Marie in Cathedral Museum



Organ Concert in Cathedral  (below photo on right from Dianne)


City Hall in Széchenyi Square                                  Mosque in Széchenyi Square (image from web)



Happy Hour and Farewell Dinner                                           Jim and Pam, Tom and Mary, Jack and Dianne, Lou and Marie



(above two photos from Dianne)


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