FAMILY PHOTOS 2016 Collage

NYE Budapest

75th Birthday Party URL

Florida Winter Vacation

Amsterdam (March)

Cuba (May)

Henrik's Spring Album

Greece (June)

Seine River Cruise (August)

London PSF (October)

Hawaii (25th Anniversary)

Seattle Thanksgiving Visit


 New Year starts in Budapest (for full trip photos file click here)  

  December 29, 2015 - January 3, 2016


City Tour


Castle Hill (above images from web source)



Gellert Hill ((above images from web source)


Evening Concert at St. Stephens Basilica


(above images from Dianne phone)


Casual Day with visit to Liszt Music Academy

Very Good Art Nouveau Location


(above images from Dianne phone)

Danube Bend Excursion

The Primatial Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed Into Heaven and St Adalbert also known as the Esztergom Basilica.

It is the mother church of the Catholic Church in Hungary.

Visegrad Overview of Danube                                               Szentendre


(above images from Web Source)


Visiting the Parliament


(above images from Dianne phone)

Evening Hungarian Folk Music at Danube Palace


(above images from Web Source)

Dianne finds Kutztown U grad among the crowd


See all from Jack's 75th Birthday Party at

Some sample photos...

75th58  75th02

75th57  75th36

75th30  75th51


Visiting Florida-Savannah-SC






Dining with a rotating view


Concert featuring "The Tenors" (Canadian)


Dali and Disney Exhibit at Dali Museum

     The Dali Museum - St. Petersburg, FL, United States. The Dali Museum  

(Images from web sources)


Sunday Visiting Museums in Savannah with Doug and Sue Fuss

Telfair Academy 

Visit the Telfair Academy

Jepson Center

Visit the Jepson Center

 (Above images from web sources)


Tuesday Visiting Pearl Fryar Topiary in South Carolina with Coke and Dot Goodwin


(Above images from web sources)


AMSTERDAM  (for full trip photos file click here)

  March 4-10, 2016

City Tour




(above image from Cindy and Brian Wlazelek; in background)


Rijks Museum

The Nightwatch by Rembrandt.jpg   Johannes Vermeer - Het melkmeisje - Google Art Project.jpg

(above images from web source)


Anne Frank House Museum



(above images from program and postcard)


"Black and Blue" / Dianne's Birthday Dinner


(above image from web source)


Van Gogh Museum

The back of the Van Gogh Museum Vincent van Gogh - The yellow house ('The street').jpg Van-willem-vincent-gogh-die-kartoffelesser-03850.jpg

(above images from web source)


The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. Its seat is at the Peace Palace in The Hague.


The Mauritshuis is an art museum in The Hague in the Netherlands.

The museum houses the Royal Cabinet of Paintings which consists of 841 objects, mostly Dutch Golden Age paintings.


(above image on left from web source image on right from postcard)

City Walking Adventures

   De Wallen (red light district)  and De Negen Straatjes (shopping area)


(above images left and right from web source; center from Dianne cell)

   Visiting historic pub "Cafe Hoppe"


(above images from web source)


CUBA (for full trip photos file click here)

  May 7 - 12, 2016

Walking Tour of Old Havana

Arrival in Cathedral Square / Architect Guide Provided



Crafts Market Place  (images below from web source)



Rural Tour of Pinar del Rio (tobacco area)

Francisco Donatien Cigar Factory  (images from web source)


El Palenque de los Cimarrones / unusual mogotes (rounded limestone mountains)


(image on left from Dianne Cell)

Mural de la Prehistoria (rock wall in the Viñales Valley)  (image on left from web source)


Benito’s Tobacco Farm and House


(on left owner roles cigar smoked by one of group / on right Dianne with our Cuba Guide Enedis)


Distant Tour of Zapata Peninsula (includes Bay of Pigs area)

Bay of Pigs Museum. Museo Playa Girón



(on left is road sign on approach to museum / on right web source image)


Casa Enrique in Caleton (group lunch at the Bay of Pigs named for wild boars)

Gran Parque Natural Montemar / Park Supervisor talks about preservation and local flora and fauna


 (image on left from Dianne Cell)


Muraleando Community Arts Project




Suburban Tour of Cojimar

Ernest Hemingway’s former residence



(above two images from web source / primary home on left/ guest house on right)


"Classic Car" voyage via Revolutionary Square ( images from Dianne Cell)



Henrik's Spring Adventures







GREECE (for full trip photos file click here)

  June 7 - 17, 2016

Arrival in Athens / Pre-dinner Walk

Church of Agios Demetrios Loumbardaris   (click for site info)




Views around the Acropolis



Evzones: Changing of the Guard (Old Royal Palace)  within  Syntagma Square  (click either for site info)


1896 Olympic Stadium


Temple of Olympian Zeus  (click for site info)

The  Temple of Olympian Zeus also known as the Olympieion, was built over several centuries starting in 174 BCE and only finally completed by Roman emperor Hadrian in 131 CE.



(images above from Dianne)

Visit Acropolis Museum


(above museum images from web source)

Acropolis Archeological Site (click for site info)

An "acropolis' is any citadel or complex built on a high hill. The name derives from the Greek Akro, high or extreme/extremity or edge, and Polis, city, translated as 'High City’, 'City on the Edge’ or 'City in the Air’, the most famous being the Acropolis of Athens built in the 5th century BCE.



    (images above from Dianne)

Exit Athens for 10 day loop around Greece

Lion of Chaironeia  (click for site info)

The Lion of Chaeronea was erected by the Thebans in memory of their dead after the battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)


Monastery of Holy Luke  (click for site info)

                              Hosios Loukas is a historic walled monastery. It is one of the most important monuments of Middle Byzantine architecture and art, and has been listed on UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.


(images above from Dianne)

  Delphi Museum  (click for site info)

Sphinx of Naxes                                    Charioteer of Delphi


(images above from Dianne)

Oracle of Apollo  (click for site info)

 Delphi was an important ancient Greek religious sanctuary sacred to the god Apollo. Located on Mt. Parnassus near the Gulf of Corinth, the sanctuary was home to the famous oracle of Apollo which gave cryptic predictions and guidance to both city-states and individuals. In addition, Delphi was also home to the pan-hellenic Pythian Games.



Dianne and Jack standing at the center of the world (Greek Mythology)

 (images above from Dianne)

Thermopylae  (click for site info)

                           Thermopylea is a mountain pass near the sea in northern Greece which was the site of several battles in antiquity, the most famous being that between Persians and Greeks in August 480 BC. 

(Group Photo from Paul Quinn)

Vergina Royal Tombs  (click for site info)

Vergina has enjoyed worldwide renown in the past few decades, owing to the discovery there of the ancient city of Aigai, the ancient capital of the Macedonian kings, and its cemetery. Of particular note are the tombs of the royal dynasty, most notably King Philip II and a young prince who is identified as Alexander IV, and a cist grave.

    Vergina - Tomb Under Excavation Social Studies World History Ancient ...    

(above museum images from web source)


Free Time in Veria  (lunch with Doug and Marlene)


Shrine to St. Paul



Monasteries of Meteora (click for site info)

The Metéora,  literally "middle of the sky", "suspended in the air" or "in the heavens above" — etymologically related to meteorology - is a formation of immense monolithic pillars and hills like huge rounded boulders dominate the local area.  It is also associated with one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries.


(above image on left from postcard)

Varlaam Monastery

Image result for varlaam monastery meteora  Image result for varlaam monastery meteora

(above two images from Web source)


Rousanou (Monastery) Convent

Image result for roussanou monastery Image result for roussanou monastery Image result for roussanou monastery

(above three interior images from Web source)


(images above from Dianne)

Dodona (click for site info)

 Dodona in Epirus, north-west Greece, lies in a valley on the eastern slopes of Mt. Tomaros and was famed throughout the ancient Greek world as the site of a great oracle of Zeus. The site was expanded in the Hellenistic period, and one of the largest theatres in Greece was built which, recently restored, stands as testimony to Dodona’s importance throughout antiquity.


Olympia Archeological Museum (click for site info)


Hermes of Praxiteles               Nike of Paionios


(3 images from Dianne and 1 from web source)

 Ancient Olympia  (click for site info)

 Olympia was an ancient Greek sanctuary site dedicated to the worship of Zeus, in whose honor Pan-Hellenic Games were held every four years from 776 BCE to 393 CE. Ended by Christians since it was pagan rituals.

(postcard image above)



( images above from Dianne)

Nemea  (click for site info)

Nemea was a religious sanctuary in the northern Peloponnese where pan-Hellenic athletic games were held every two years from 573 BCE until 271 BCE, after which, the Games were definitively moved to Argos. The games have been renewed since year 2000.




(image on left above from Doug)

Arrival in Nafplion



Mycenae  (click for site info)

 Mycenae was a fortified late Bronze Age City. This acropolis dates from between the 14th and 13th century BCE.



In addition to the great history and geography we enjoyed some great food.



Returning to Athens with stop...

Epidaurus   (click for site info)

Located on the fertile Argolid plain of the east Peloponnese and blessed with a mild climate and natural springs, the sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus was the most celebrated healing center of the Classical world. It was an important sacred centre in both ancient Greek and Roman times.




SEINE RIVER CRUISE (for full trip photos file click here)

Paris-Normandy Beaches-Paris - August 16-23, 2016
(arrival at Avalon Creativity)

Welcome Dinner / Des, Jane, Dianne, Jack, Sherry

Dock at Vernon / morning visit Monet Estate at Giverny


(image on left from postcard)





(above three images from Dianne)




Dock at Caudebec / visit "Thatched Cottage Route"



Visit "Normandy Landing Beaches"

(visited Pointe du Hoc, American Cemetery and Omaha Beach)

   Image result for normandy beaches


 W. Buedel  Image result for normandy beaches

(above images from web sources)


(above three images from Dianne)


Dock at Rouen / guided walk of city

Image result for rouen france  Image result for Church of St Joan of Arc

(Rouen Cathedral and Church of Joan of Arc - images from web sources)



Dock at Conflans / visit Van Gogh last residence




Farewell Dinner /Late evening arrive in Paris


(above  images from Dianne)

Morning guided walk ile St. Louis / Notre Dame

  Image result for notre dame paris Image result for notre dame paris

(image at left from Dianne / two on right from web sources)

London - Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival (for full trip photos file click here)

   October 8-16, 2016

Our Theatre Adventures...

Shakespeare Triple Bill at Sadler's Wells Theatre by Birmingham Royal Ballet



 (above images from theatre web page)



Shakespeare "The Tempest" at Donmar at King''s Cross



(above images from theatre web page)



Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice" at New Globe Theatre

Jonathan Pryce and Phoebe Pryce. Photo courtesy of Globe Theatre. Jonathan Pryce and Dominic Mafham. Photo courtesy of Globe Theatre.

(above images from web sources)


"Cymbeline" at Royal Shakespeare Company,  Stratford-Upon-Avon


A young man gently holds a young womans right arm arm up to his face   A young man in a white suit confidently points a knife at another young man in a green trenchcoat, over a table with a bottle of wine on it  The Company of Cymbeline

(above images from theatre web page)


Other Adventures...

               DeSales University PSF group at Shakespeare home in Stratford-Upon-Avon


                              Westminster Abbey                St. Paul's Cathedral for Evensong


(above images from web sources)

                              British Museum                   Greenwich / Prime Meridian


(above images from web sources)


Hawaii for 25 Anniversary

(five wonderful nights at Fairmont Orthid)

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Image result for fairmont orchid photos  Image result for fairmont orchid photos Image result for fairmont orchid photos

Image result for fairmont orchid photos Image result for fairmont orchid photos Image result for fairmont orchid photos

(above hotel photos from web sources)




Seattle for Thanksgiving Visit



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