Dec 29, 2008 - Jan 2, 2009

Arrival, Monday December 29


City Tour starts at Plaza de Colon (Columbus)


Mary G., Tom G., Caryn, Dianne, Tom S., Jim, Mary S.
on Plaza de Oriente with Teatro Real (opera house in rear)

Afternoon Check-in 


        (2 borrowed images above)




Tuesday December 30


                  Palacio de Communicacious (Central Post Office)                               Plaza de la Cibeles


  Almundena Cathedral

                Almundena Cathedral view from Palacia Real                               Palacia Real  (Royal Palace) (1738-1931)

                                                                                                   Dining Room still used for "state" dinners

                                                                        (2 borrowed images above)

                                          Charles III Reception Area                                                    Throne Room


(2 borrowed images above)

                             Campo del Moro (view from Palace)                                                  Palace visitors


Chocolateria  Break  / Street Visit

                                           (Tom Gallagher provided image above)







Wednesday December 31
                                                                                          Museo del Prado

(borrowed image)  


                                            Musee del Prado   (floor plan)             Brochure of Special Exhibit II

(borrowed images above) 


                                Special Exhibit I  Rembrant
                         Jeremias / Amsterdam/ 1630                                                      The Christ with the Cross / El Greco / 1590    


The Third of May / de Goya / 1814

(art images above borrowed from post cards)

New Year Eve at Floridita
(borrowed image from hotel web page) 

Linda, Bob, Tom, Mary, Jack, Dianne, Caryn, Jim

(Michael Seay camara operator for image above)


                                            (Tom Gallagher provided image above)

  Tom, Mary and Michael Seay


                                                 (Tom Gallagher provided image above)                                                      (Tom Gallagher provided image above)




Thursday January 1

                                Plaza de la Independencia                        


 Parque del Retiro (created as royal gardens 1561 by Phillip II) Gardens made public in 1868

                                        Lake Monument in honor of King Alfonso XII (1922)                      Parque del Retiro / Puppet Show



                    Parque del Retiro / Velazquez Palace                                                Parque del Retiro / Crystal Palace



Fountain of the Falling Angel, erected in 1922  (with banished woman)





Friday January 2


Day Trip






Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes (c 1477)

                                                                                        Stairwell Ceiling

                                        Corridor Ceiling                                                                      Prayer Courtyard




                                           Gargoyle                                                                                Chapel Sanctuary


                                                                                                                                                                                 (Tom Gallagher provided image above)

Toledo Cathedral




(borrowed images above from web sources)

El Greco in Museo de Tavera


(borrowed images above from post card)

Evening visit to Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia

                        "MoMA of Madrid"                  Guernica / Pablo Picasso


(borrowed images above from web sources)



See Schellenbergs' Travel Album