Nov 6-11, 2006
(Porter's Pub / Arawjo Tours)
(borrowed image)

City Tour starts in Jewish Square / Szeroka Street

Old Synagogue with old city wall


                        Memorial                                 Active Synagogue                             Famous Ariel Cafe
( Jewish music and food)


Jozefa Street with High Synagogue    Gymnasium (High School) opposite High Synagogue


                                                      (Borrowed Postcard mage)


Schindler's Factory

City Tour continues at Wawel Hill
and Cathedral


(borrowed postcard image above)


                                                                   Jack and Tom / Exterior Gardens
Cathedral Center / Castle Right


Castle Interior Courtyard                                                 Passage to Cathedral



                                                                                    Royal Throne - Bishops and Kings


mythical dragon guards the castle                       The royal walk from castle to centre square


 (borrowed postcard image above)

Yellow house Pope John Paul II
(site of cardinal's window forbidden preaching)

VIP hotel (visiting head of states)                                               University Square
Over 600 years old - Copernicus, Chopin, et al

Centre Square / Cloth Market                                          Polish Pub (lunch with friends)


                                                      (borrowed  postcard image)


Day Trip to Salt Mine at Wieliczka
(700 years of mining / a national treasure)

hundreds of salt sculptures


salt deposit with demo workings


                                                                                                                                                           rope lift


                  one of many chapels / wood and salt sculpting                               Blessed King's Chapel
                                                                                                                         (ceiling about 95 m under surface)


                                                                                                                                                                                                       (borrowed  postcard image)

relief sculpting of biblical scenes

Memorial Hall
(concerts etc)

Goethe                                                                 brine filled area

Walking the town...



Special Evening Dinner

Day Trip to Ski Resort at Zakopane




Day Trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau

Tour starts at Auschwitz / Labor Concentration Camp
"Arbeit Macht Frei"

Polish Army barracks used for prisoners

           execution wall / firing squad (sometime hundreds per day)                            punishment posts




                                             Israeli Visitors


Crematorium (rear view)                                                       Crematorium (front view)


Tour continues at Auschwitz II / Birkenau Extermination Camp




Camp diagram
(over 300 buildings) (execution of 7000 per day)

Gate at bottom; rail heading is broken line;
weak, women and children separated
 and sent to crematoriums at top of diagram


polish dinner before concert                                            Philharmonic Hall (music much to 20th century)


NOV 11 is Independence Day

Free day to walk / revisit / explore

(time to buy amber for Dianne)
National Museum
Lady with an Ermine / Leonardo da Vinci



Evening: Polish Music and Dance in centre square





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