630 Seventh Avenue
Bethlehem, PA  18018


 King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Penna.          B.S. 1962
 Major:  Pre-Med (Chemistry and Biology)


 Temple University, Philadelphia, Penna.    M.Ed. 1964
 Major:  Secondary Education

 Duke University, Durham, NC                     M.A.T. 1967
 Major:  Physical Sciences

 Pennsylvania State University, NSF In-Service H.S. Physics Institute, Fall 1964

 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, NSF Institute for
 College Teachers of Physics, Summer 1969

 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Penna.,
 Earth Science Workshop, Summer 1970

 Pennsylvania State University
 Major:  Higher Education    Minor:  Physical Sciences D.Ed. 1980


 Norristown High School                 Chemistry and Physics 1962-1965

 Salisbury High School                     Chemistry and Physics 1965-1966

 Kutztown State College                 Assistant Professor of Physical Science 1966-1970

                                                          Associate Professor of Physical Science 1970-1983

 Kutztown University                        Professor of Physical Science 1983-2003
                                                          Department Chair 1989-1993
                                                          Retired Distinguished Emeritus Faculty May 2003

Lehigh Carbon
 Community College                        Adjunct Professor of Chemistry ( Fall 2003 – Fall 2014)


 Kutztown State College                Student Affairs- Director of Financial Aid 1971-1972
                                                          Director of New Student Orientation/Special Services
                                                          (half-time release) 1972-1985

 Kutztown University                         Director of New Student Orientation
                                                           (quarter-time release) 1985-1989

 Kutztown University                         Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching
                                                          (half-time release) 1994- 2001
                                                          (quarter-time release) Spring 2003

Kutztown University                         President / Retired Faculty Association (APSCURF)


Teaching and Learning Conferences and Workshops- I have been involved in a variety of activities on the topic of Teaching and Learning throughout my career. Participant in on-campus seminar conducted by Center for Unique Learners in Rockville (MD) on May 12, 1980. Attended two national conferences on the American Association for Higher Education with appropriate themes: 1983 in Washington DC "Colleges Enter the Information Society" and 1987 in Chicago "Taking Teaching Seriously". Attended two national conferences on retention, Washington, July 1987 and Boston, July 1988, of this group headed by the Neol-Levitz Corp.  Used information from these conferences to assist in the development of a faculty development conference "Strategies for Teaching Transitional Students" conducted at Kutztown University with over 150 faculty attending in January 19, 1989. Participated in SSHE Symposium titled "Politics, Process and Content of Curriculum Reform" at Grantville (PA) in March 1992. Attended the SSHE Annual Conference on Advancing Teaching in College Classrooms at State College (PA) in March 1994 and presented at this conference in March 1996 and March 1997. Attended the National Conference on Teaching and Learning at Jacksonville, FL in April 1994. Served on related committees Retention 1978-1988, College of Education Advisory Council 1993-1994, and Senate Task Force on Teaching  Excellence 1993-1994. Selected by presidential committee to serve as the first Director of the Center for Enhancement of Teaching. Attended the Annual Conferences of POD (Professional Organization Development) Portland, OR in October 1994, Cape Cod, MA in October 1995 and Haines City, FL in October 1997, Poconos, PA in Fall 1999 and Vancouver, Canada in Fall 2000.  Attended the National Conference on Student Community Service(co-sponsored by AAHE) at Washington, DC in January 1995. Attended the National Conference on Teaching and Learning at San Antonio, TX in February 1995.  Attended the National Educational Computer Conference (NECC) at Baltimore, MD in June 1995. Attended two conferences sponsored by National Committee on Post Secondary Teaching and Learning, Assessment and Research at State College, PA in June 1994 and June 1996. Attended AAHE Teaching Initiative Forum and National Conference at Washington D.C.  in March 1997 and follow-up AAHE conferences in 1999 in Atlanta, 2000 in New Orleans, 2001 in Tampa and 2003 in D.C. Attended an instructional technology conference by Syllabus Magazine in July 2001.

Society for College Science Teaching - SCST is a division of the National Science Teachers Association.  member since 1984. Attended regional conference in Fall 1985/Hartford.  Selected to present paper "Mastery Learning and Personalized System of Instruction (PSI-Keller Plan) Principles In A Traditional Lecture-Lab Physics Course for Non-Science Majors" in Spring 1987/Washington, DC  Chaired presentation for college teachers at regional conference at Atlantic City, December 1989. Co-presented with Dr. Elias a paper "STS - Academic Alliances" at regional conference at Denver in October 1993. Attended regional conference at Baltimore in November 1995. Attended national conference in Los Vegas Spring 1998, San Diego Spring 2002 and Philadelphia Spring 2003.

National Association for Science, Technology and Society - NASTS is a organization concerned with Technical Literacy.  Attended national conferences in Washington, DC in 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994 , 1995 and in Worcester MA in 1997.  Currently working on a curriculum proposal to include STS education in the offerings at Kutztown University.  Research for this project was started at the Penn State Center for STS in Education during sabbatical leave, Spring 1991. Awarded grant of $48,000 to hold SSHE Symposia on STS (Spring 1994 - Fall 1995). Hosted session one on March 24-25,1994 at THE INN AT READING; over 100 SSHE faculty from 12 system universities participated. Session two  was held November 10-11, 1994 at THE NITTANY LION INN in State College. Session three was held  November 2-3, 1995 at THE ATHERTON HOTEL in State College. The concluding session was conducted at Millersville campus in Spring 2000.

Faculty Awards - In recognition of performance in administrative responsibilities and effectiveness in the classroom, I was awarded a merit salary increase (Fall 1974).  I was selected for a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Distinguished Faculty Award which was presented in Fall 1981. Presented the 1995 Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching .

Governance/Faculty Senate - Elected to represent the administrative faculty for Fall 1974 (interim representative) and 1977-1982 (regular representative).  Chairperson of sub-committee on curriculum 1978-1982 and 1984-1986.  Elected to serve as At-Large Representative 1983-1986.  Elected to serve as Physical Science Representative 1986-1988.  Faculty Senate President for 1986-87 and 1987-88.  Served on major committee for review of (1988-89) university governance.  Elected as first president of the new University Senate (1989-90).  At- Large Member of the University Senate (1991-94 and 1996-99) and was chairperson of the joint APSCUF-Senate General Education Task Force(1991-92). Elected president of the chairpersons called Chairnet for 1992-93.

Governance/Collective Bargaining - Represented the administrative faculty of Kutztown State College on the state negotiation advisory committee.  After ratification of contract, consented to serve (as one of three) on state association ad hoc advisory committee on administrative faculty and acting chairman of the administrative faculty committee (1973-1974).  Chairperson of the University Promotion Committee (UPC) 1983-1984.  Member of committee to revise promotion procedures 1986-88.  Elected to the UPC for 1987-88, 1988-90 and 1993-95. Serving as the departmental representative to the APSUCF representative council (1988-1993 and 1996-98), chairperson of the academic concerns committee (1990-92) and chairperson of the committee on athletics (1992-93).  Member of the academic concerns committee (1993-97 and 2000-2002) and APSCUF representative to the Honorary Doctorate Committee (1994-97). Elected delegate to the state-wide legislative council (1996-97) and alternate delegate (2000-2002).